I will research two website portfolios before I start to create a website portfolio.
One is a woman and the other one is a man, actually, I think they have totally different style of the website design.
In following I will analyze the differences between the two websites.
The home page is very interesting and attract the people, thus I open the the website. It is amazing, because if you move the mouse the black lines will change the shape and move, like dancing.
I first see the designer is lie and take a pen and the sketch is around the himself. Then I see the title and the some words, like work, news, info, shop. That means this website is include there different parts.
I use the mobile phone to take a video to show the website.
I try to click on the other buttons to open the different pages. However the all of pages have a similar point, for instance, the website just use white and black to design, the colours is very simple. Furthermore, the background and other images are drawn by this designer.
She' s website is include the homepage, works, news, information, contact, addresses and shop. Moreover this website use the same font and do not have a lot of elements , thus this design is follow this 'less and more' concept. That style is very clearly to find the important things and easy to get some information when I open this website.
Actually, It is not a homepage, i through the about us to find this page. Then I known this website is designed by a man.
There are homepage, this website' homepage can rotary transformation while change the colours and products. moreover, the title of project is on the middle and use the white and bold font. Then the other links are on the left top corner.
The pages colours will change when you scroll down to read, and the hand is not change just change the products. if you turn over the page, the two product will put together when you stop scroll down . That style is very different from the first website.
I will give a example to introduce the process when you use this.
On the other hand, the detail page is relate the project page, for instance, I open the HASSAN ABUL , you can see the background is blue and the detail page is also use the same colour. not only the background but also the icons and links are use the blue to design.
He' s website is include the homepage, works, about us, contact, clients and services .Moreover this website use the same font and do not have a lot of elements too, but he use a lot of colours to design.
To sum up, I prefer use the simple colour to design website, because, my major is product design, if I design a colorful product and I also use colorful elements to design the background, I think the people can not find the information and focus on my works. additionally, I really like DIETER RAM who is a product designer, and his concept and principle is' less than more'. I want to follow this concept to design my project.